Preventive Dental Hygiene in Sudbury
Routine oral examinations and hygiene cleanings at Sudbury Dental Group in Sudbury can help you prevent dental issues and keep your smile healthy.

Oral Examinations
Ideally, you'll see your dentist twice a year for a routine oral exam. This will be the dentist's opportunity to identify any emerging oral health issues and create a plan to treat them.
During your exam, your dentist will take a close look at the condition of your teeth, gums, jaw and bite. In addition, exams may include an oral cancer screening, dental x-rays and other diagnostic procedures.
Oral Cancer Screening
Any part of the mouth or surrounding tissues can become infected with oral cancer. During your exam, your dentist will check the neck, face, lips, tissues, throat, gums, and tongue for any signs of oral cancer which are difficult to see with the naked eye.
Oral Health Care at Home
Be sure to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time to keep your smile healthy between dental appointments. Floss at least once per day.
Dental Hygiene Cleaning
Before or after your exam, your dental hygienist will complete a deep cleaning of your teeth and gums to prevent and treat disease.
To start, they will use a scaler to remove any tartar and plaque buildup. Next, they will use a polisher and coarse toothpaste to remove any leftover stains or plaque, followed by thorough flossing of your teeth and gums.
Fluoride Treatment
If you or your child is found to be at high risk of tooth decay, your dentist may also recommend a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a natural mineral that can help to rebuild the minerals in your tooth enamel to reverse or prevent tooth decay.

Deep fissures that naturally occur in children's molars and premolars can make them difficult for children to keep clean with regular brushing.
Dental sealants are clear, thin plastic coatings which are placed on molars and premolars to seal these fissures to the plaque so bacteria cannot build up inside them.
Dental sensitivity can make it difficult for some people to endure certain dental procedures or treatments.
Desensitizers are gels containing local anesthetic that the dentist applies to specific areas of the mouth to reduce pain while the procedure is being performed. This helps ensure a better experience for your child.
Selective Polish
Selective polishing is completed on a needs-based approach to remove calculus, plaque, and tartar.
If stains on a patient's teeth cannot be removed with regular instruments, our dentists can select specific teeth to be polished with prophylactic paste. The need for this will vary depending on the cleanliness of the teeth.
Radiographs (X-Rays)
By using digital x-rays to replace traditional radiographs, we can reduce the amount of radiation directed from the machine. We also use a lead apron and sunglasses for each patient.
The dentist will determine the need for x-rays based on when they were last completed, your risk for developing cavities, and your individual needs.
Silver Diamine Fluoride
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a cavity-fighting liquid which can help stop the development of cavities. Especially helpful for very young or anxious patients, this non-invasive liquid kills bacteria that cause decay.
SDF should take less than one minute for your dentist to apply to the teeth.